Barry Gibb has NOT been booked to join Coldplay at Glastonbury

The Barry-Glastonbury story resurfaced…
this time in connection with Coldplay



Various British papers reported the "rumour" that Barry Gibb might be set to join Coldplay to do a Bee Gees medley at Glastonbury.  (According to Barry’s mamagement, this is not confirmed.)

As reported before, there was a rumour that Barry might be playing at the legend slot of Glastonbury this year.  The story resurfaced again; this time Barry could be joining Coldplay on the Center Stage of Glastonbury.  New Musical Express (online version dated March 25, 2016) and others mentioned this, but it seems it’s The Sun (online version dated March 25,  that started the smoke (or the fire?).

According to The Sun, "Barry has already been asked to perform but did not have time to perfect a full set with his touring band," and when "Chris got wind, he asked Barry if he wanted to come on stage with Coldplay." 

The articles continues: 

he agreed straight away.  The band are putting Bee Gees medley together cramming in all of their classics.  It’s going to be really special.  

It will be really special, indeed; however, as mentioned above, Barry’s management failed to confirm all of this.

(Thanks: Dick Ashby)

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