Really? Bee Gees on the Rolling Stone 100 greatest songwriters list
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The Rolling Stone magazine came out with their 100 Greatest Songwriters of All Time list. I mean it’s THEIR list. And what I mean by "their list" is that it is simply incomprehensible that they put the Bee Gees at #95. Really? Yes, really? (Personally, I don’t mind Bob Dylan topping their list, though.)
It seems we are not the only people who were left incredulous. Those at Showbiz411 clearly felt the same way. So go to the website and scroll down to the Daily Poll section and you can vote to make yourself heard.
They say, "Rolling Stone really screwed up the Best Songwriters list. Help us put this group in order (choose 5). " And the Bee Gees are among the group that need to be put in order. Vote and see the result, and see how the Bee Gees fare. (Spoiler alert… the Bee Gees got close to 30% of the votes which put them at the right end of the 100. Personally, I do mind seeing Bob Dylan falling to the third position, though.)
{BGD – August 27, 2015}