Newspaper ad for Barry Gibb’s “In The Now” in Japan

"In The Now" ad in Japanese newspaper

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The evening edition of Yomiuri Shimbun for Tokyo area dated September 23, 2016 carries an ad for the October release of "In The Now."

It does give you an urge to rush to the newsstand and buy up every copy, but don’t, please!   We have to let as many people as possible see this ad and subsequently buy the album when it comes out on October 12.

Sony Music Japan’s Barry Gibb website is looking a little different now with new contents being added, so please check it out.

We have been busy working for Sony with little time left to update BGD, but we hope to put up some new material soon including an exclusive about the Bee Gees’ 1973 visit!

In my heart, in my soul, In the Now!♪

(Thanks: Sony Music Japan)

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