Robin Gibb’s interview on songwriting featured in the new book “Isle of Noises”

Robin’s interview featured prominently in "Isle of Noises"

Daniel Rachel’s new book "Isle of Noises: Conversations with great British songwriters" features very prominently an exclusive interview with Robin with some great photos. According to Robin, he was "astounded by Daniel’s knowledge and even after all these years to be asked original questions that surprise you was very impressive."

"Isle of Noises" is a coffee table  book which includes "brand-new, exclusive, in-depth conversations with twenty-seven of the UK’s greatest living musicians," and Robin is one of the artists featured.  The interview took place at his home in Oxfordshire in June 2010.

The book’s launch last Thursday September 12 in South Molten Street, Mayfair was attended by Dwina Gibb.  The  book is now available in hardcover and kindle.  

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