Robin Gibb’s glasses for Drumathon 2020 Charity Auction – Drum for the NHS

Robin Gibb’s glasses donated for charity auction (the photos are via TheSaleroom).
According to Antiques Trade Gazette (online version dated June 13, 2020)and the Facebook of RJ Gibb, the glasses owned and used by Robin has been donated for Drumson Charity Auction – Drum for the NHS.
The description found on The Saleroom auction site itemizes the package to be auctioned as a pair of glasses (and a silver-grey case) (Photo A), two albums (“50 St. Catherine’s Drive” and “Titanic Requien”) (Photo B), a family photograph of Robin (Photo C) , and a certificate of authenticity (Photo D).

Glasses owned and used by Robin Gibb (Photo A)
Two albums signed by RJ Gibb (Photo B)

Family photograph of Robin dressed up to go to a star party (Photo C)

Certificate of Authenticity (Photo D)
According to Dawsons that is implementing the auction:
Robin’s son RJ has donated to this amazing cause his fathers legendary glasses, two CDs of collaborative works between father and son and a precious family photograph the Robin kept on his bedside table alongside a picture of his wife also dressed up for a special party Vivienne Westwood’s star party in LA.
All the proceeds from the auction will go to NHS to help combat COVID-19.
I was especially moved when I saw the case accompanying the glasses. It looks very much used. Robin once told me that he tended to leave his glasses and mobile phones lying around and forget where they were. I told him I certainly understood that (as I do that all the time)! On second thought, the case looks rather small to house the glasses and it is not covered by the certificate, but the entire package is certainly lovely.
The auction will go live Saturday July 18th, at 19:00 BST. So please check it out. The opening price is 1,000 GBP and the auctioneer’s estimated price is between 1,000 GBP and 2,000 GBP. You must register and sign in at The Saleroom website before you can bid.
RJ Gibb has been really active of late. He will be performing live with Blue Weaver and the Brothers Egiziano (a.k.a. Italian Bee Gees) on this occasion. He has also announced plans via his Facebook and YouTube channel to launch an online shop to market baby items, gifts, and selected food, etc. He has also announced plans to record covers of the classical Bee Gees hits and news songs of his own, and to tour.
What is definitely of most interest to most fans is the fact that he mentioned
there are also songs that have never been heard, which my father composed & produced either with me, or alone, which all have his never-before-heard vocals on them. We will release these over time. Some are songs & others just ideas he came up with in his room, in the middle of the night using dictaphones, his iPad’s garage band app etc. precious stuff as with today’s tech, I can make these sound studio worthy.All of them to be released periodically.
{Bee Gees Days}