Robin Gibb “responding to music”

Robin still remains unconscious, but reportedly his conditions are stable. Please click here for a video of Robin’s wife Dwina Gibb as she spoke to RTL, Germany, in front of the London Clinic where Robin is being treated.

According to Dwina, "Robin responds to music" that is being played to him.  She also mentioned that Barry and Robin’s youngest son RJ has been singing to him.

A short interview with Dwina was also shown on U.S. "Entertainment Tonight" on April 18 (U.S. time) where she basically talked about the same thing.

Also, The Impartial Reporter in North Ireland has announced that they are going to run an exclusive interview with her April 19th (UK time).

We sometimes hear people who regained consciousness say that they could actually hear people talking to them while in a coma.  So it is a valid and effective approach to talk and play music to unconscious people.  Robin’s doctors and family members seem to be adopting this method, and it sounds good!

Robin’s official website now carries the message: "This website is currently receiving an extraordinarily high volume of traffic and is temporarily unavailable. Sorry for any inconvenience," and the visitors are directed to visit Robin’s Facebook page, where hundreds and thousands of people from all over the world have  been posting messages of support.

We know you can beat this, Robin!

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